Portable FT-NIR Spectrometers for lab, process and field applications

Unlike other instrumentation manufacturers, Galaxy Scientific’s sole focus is Near Infrared spectroscopy. Our FT-NIR spectrometers are designed to help you improve your process quality and efficiency while reducing out-of-spec products as well as labor and materials cost. Our QuasIR™ Series of near infrared analyzers can be used at many different locations throughout your plant and will help you improve your finished product quality and consistency.

Direct calibration transfer

Historically, transferring NIR calibrations from one Near Infrared analyzer to another has been a challenging task. One of the greatest advantages of FT-NIR spectroscopy is direct calibration transfer. NIR calibration can easily be transferred from one FT-NIR spectrometer to another even if it is not the same model or made by the same manufacturer.

Calibration Transfer Made Easy
Robust FT-NIR

Rugged, compact and portable design

Galaxy Scientific portable FT-NIR spectrometers combine portability and performance to get the near infrared results you need, where and when you need them. Our robust and compact design is dust proof and splash proof and can be taken outside the lab to the point-of-need. Our near-infrared analyzers are lightweight with a small footprint and quickly attach to a laptop or tablet computer, can operate from a variety of power sources, and have a rugged design that ensures they can be moved without damage.

High-Performance Measurements

Galaxy Scientific’s high-performance FT-NIR technology offers significant advantages such as high spectral resolution, best-in-class signal-to-noise ratio, inherently stable wavelength accuracy, and full spectral range. All models utilize Galaxy’s PermAlign™ Fourier Transform Technology, taking near-infrared instrumentation to the next level by offering incredibly high-performance measurements in a small, portable design. Benefits include permanent interferometer alignment, small & lightweight design, and robust field operation

High Resolution FT-NIR

Depot Service & Low cost of ownership

Galaxy Scientific portable FT-NIR spectrometers were designed to be compact, precise, and economical. Our QuasIR™ Series of near infrared spectrometers use a temperature stabilized solid-state laser that offers a compact configuration, excellent wavelength stability, and a typical lifetime of over 10 years. In addition, our Near Infrared analyzers use a special compact lamp that offers a typical lifetime of 20,000 hours and an inexpensive replacement cost. Galaxy Scientific’s QuasIR™ has a wear-free interferometer drive that comes with a 10-year warranty, and user replaceable desiccant.

This compact design allows us to offer “depot service” meaning our products can be easily shipped via standard shipping methods, without the need for a freight shipment. A product can be overnighted to us, evaluated and repaired (if needed) upon receipt and then overnighted back to our customer. This is much cheaper and faster than having to send a specialist to the customer site…

Simple Installation by User

Galaxy Scientific portable FT-NIRs are designed to be easily installed by the end user and without the need for an expensive on-site product start-up by our experts.

Easy To Use


Galaxy Scientific is specialized in the development and manufacturing of high performance, rugged and portable near infrared solutions for lab, process, and field use. Our passion is innovation and our mission is to develop uniquely robust instruments to tackle critical analytical problems in the food, feed, agriculture, pharma and chemical industries.

Our Technology

Galaxy Scientific has developed a compact and rugged, yet high performance, field portable line of FT-NIR spectrometers which combine an advanced, permanently aligned interferometer with novel software algorithms to provide breakthrough solutions to the most challenging online and point-of-need near infrared applications. Samples can be analyzed in the field or at the assembly line, rather than be taken off site to separate laboratories.

Our Facility​

We manufacture our near infrared products in a 6,000 sq. ft. facility located in Nashua, NH. We are equipped with full R&D capabilities including laboratories, a rapid-turn machine shop, and test equipment. We manage our production process in-house and make sure our equipment meets exacting standards. Additionally, we are equipped to customize our production process to meet the special needs of online, at-line, and process near infrared applications.