Advanced FT-NIR solutions for Pharmaceutical development and manufacturing

The pharmaceutical industry includes discovering, developing, producing, and marketing drugs to be used as medications and vaccines to treat and cure patients across the globe.  The modern pharmaceutical industry began in the early 1800s and continues to grow rapidly until this day.   For example, in 2018, cancer drugs made nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars of revenue globally.

The pharmaceutical industry has relied on Near-Infrared spectroscopy and analysis for many years as a fast and reliable way to perform qualitative and quantitative testing for a variety of products.   The variation in ingredients used in the drug manufacturing process presents challenges for quality control and safety, often resulting in undesirable or discarded products and revenue loss.  Traditional methods for monitoring various quality parameters of interest include HPLC, GC, wet chemistry, and tasting of final products.  These methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming, can only measure one parameter at a time, can require the use of expensive solvents and reagents, and are often ill-suited for real-time process measurements.

FT-NIR spectroscopic analysis is fast, requires no sample preparation, and can analyze multiple parameters with a single measurement.  Over the years, Galaxy Scientific Inc. has provided rugged and high-performance FT-NIR spectrometers and analyzers to drugs manufacturers worldwide. 

Galaxy Scientific’s product line includes Near Infrared analyzers that can be used throughout the drug manufacturing plant and process.  Our products can be used to inspect incoming raw materials, in a lab for quick samples analysis, near production line, or on-line for continuous process monitoring.

Key Benefits

FT-NIR Technology Benefits

Galaxy Scientific Advantages